We are pleased to announce that the International Center for Advanced Research and Training (ICART) in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is organizing its 2nd International Research Symposium. The symposium will be held 17-19 Aug 2017.
Save the date! And you have from now until April 1 to submit your abstract!
1. Decide which theme best matches your abstract. We will address the following themes for the 2017 conference considered within the context of post-conflict or other resources restricted settings.
• Food Security and Nutrition
• Infectious and Diarrheal Diseases
• Health and Social Consequences for Women
• Ecological and Environmental Impacts on Health
• Other
2. Write your abstract. Organize as Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions. English language preferred. 200-300 word limit Arial size 11pt font.
3. Use the abstract submission form available on the ICART website: Submit Abstract
4. Review of your abstract will be conducted by the Symposium Scientific Committee. The reviewers will not know the authors of the abstracts at the time of review (blinded review). The scientific committee will decide which abstracts to accept and whether podium or poster presentation
5. Decision notification will be made in April.
There will not be a registration fee, though a small donation for the on-site meal provided each day may be requested. Look for information about the logistics of the symposium coming soon!
1. To build on the synergies begun at the 2014 ICART symposium, which offered its first forum for disseminating exemplary scientific/scholarly communications on research
2. To maximize opportunities for face-to-face interactions with highly qualified international researchers and beginning scholars/scientists
3. To deepen collaborative interactions between symposium participants’ research institutions.
4. To maximize the International Center for Advanced Research and Training and its institutional partners’ visibility and potential for highest impact within and outside of the eastern region of Africa.
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